Ethiopia a land of breath-taking historical landmarks in the Horn of Africa is a rugged, landlocked country split by the Great Rift Valley. With archaeological finds dating back more than 3 million years, it’s a place of ancient culture. Among its important sites are Lalibela with its rock-cut Christian churches from the 12th–13th centuries. Aksum is the ruins of an ancient city with obelisks, tombs, castles and Our Lady Mary of Zion church. Other Ethiopia travel highlights include being entertained by local azmaris – wandering minstrels. The Simien Mountains, home to the Ethiopian Wolf and the colourful Gelada Baboons, are awe inspiring. The Bale Mountains in the south are less well known but still spectacular. More than 70% of Africa’s mountains are found in Ethiopia, probably due to the high altitude in the country. The Blue Nile Falls, Lake Tana and the Omo Valley just some of Ethiopia’s other scenic sights. Ethiopia is the second most-populous country in Africa, with a population of over 90 million people. Over 80 languages are spoken in this country